What is a P45?

By Chris Andreou
Last updated
September 16, 2023


What is a P45? guide

A P45 is a form that is issued to an employee when he or she stops working for you. It shows how much the employee has paid in tax and NICs throughout the tax year.

What is a P45?

A P45 is a document that is issued to an employee when they leave their job. It is an important document that outlines the amount of tax that has been paid by the employee in the tax year. It is also used by employers to inform HMRC (Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs) of the employee’s income and tax payments.

For those setting up or just starting a business in the UK, understanding the importance of a P45 is essential. This document is a key part of the payroll process and is used to ensure that the correct amount of tax is paid by the employee.

What information is included on a P45?

A P45 document includes the following information:

  • Employee’s name, address and National Insurance number
  • Employer’s name and address
  • Start and end date of employment
  • Payroll number
  • Tax code
  • Taxable pay
  • Taxable benefits
  • Tax paid
  • Total tax paid
  • Tax year
  • Taxable pay for the tax year
  • Total tax paid for the tax year
  • Total tax deducted from the employee’s pay

When is a P45 issued?

A P45 is issued to an employee when they leave their job. It is important that the employer issues the P45 to the employee as soon as possible after they leave their job. The employee should then keep the P45 in a safe place as they may need to refer to it in the future.

When starting a new job, the employee will need to provide the P45 to their new employer. This is to ensure that the correct amount of tax is paid to HMRC.

What happens if an employee does not receive a P45?

If an employee does not receive a P45 from their previous employer, they should contact HMRC. HMRC will then contact the previous employer to request the P45.

If the employer is unable to provide the P45, HMRC will issue an emergency tax code to the employee. This code will be used by the new employer to calculate the correct amount of tax to be paid.

How does a P45 affect a business?

A P45 is an important document for businesses in the UK. It is used to ensure that the correct amount of tax is paid by the employee. It also helps to ensure that the business is compliant with HMRC regulations.

By understanding the importance of a P45, businesses can ensure that their payroll process is efficient and compliant. This will help to ensure that the business is not subject to any fines or penalties from HMRC.


A P45 is a document that is issued to an employee when they leave their job. It includes important information such as the employee’s name, address and National Insurance number, the employer’s name and address, the start and end date of employment, the payroll number, the tax code, taxable pay, taxable benefits, tax paid, total tax paid, tax year, taxable pay for the tax year, total tax paid for the tax year and total tax deducted from the employee’s pay.

For those setting up or just starting a business in the UK, understanding the importance of a P45 is essential. It is used to ensure that the correct amount of tax is paid by the employee and to ensure that the business is compliant with HMRC regulations.

<p>A P45 is a form that is issued to an employee when he or she stops working for you. It shows how much the employee has paid in tax and NICs throughout the tax year.</p>

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