As a contractor, there are a vast number of different expenses that can be claimed for when working through a limited company.
These expenses must be deemed wholly, exclusively and necessary for business to carry out it's duties and some examples can include:
- Travel
- Food (subsistence)
- Accommodation
- Computer & office equipment
- Postage & Stationery
- Accountancy & professional fee's
- Insurance
- Telephone & internet
As a contractor, there are a vast number of different expenses that can be claimed for when working through a limited company.
These expenses must be deemed wholly, exclusively and necessary for business to carry out it's duties and some examples can include:
- Travel
- Food (subsistence)
- Accommodation
- Computer & office equipment
- Postage & Stationery
- Accountancy, legal & professional fees
- Business insurance
- Marketing
- Subscription
- Telephone & internet
Further information is available on our limited company expenses and tax allowances guide.
If you're working through an umbrella company, the types of expenses you can claim for may include:
- Client billable expenses
- Business costs
- Non-client billable expenses
If you're subject to the SDC legislation, you won't be able to claim for home-to-work travel and subsistence expenses. Find out more in our guide to umbrella contractor expenses.
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